
Here you will find updates and items of interest, feel free to post a comment. My settings are set for "approve" (filter) before posting to keep out unwanted advertising etc... Email address's are restricted, accessable only by web site editor, same as guest book.


July 28 update

Well very little added to site past week or so, but I did take off about 620 asphalt shingles off my garage roof in 25-30 celcius weather, then put on approx. 620 new ones. Also went camping to a lake about 2 hours out of the city.

As for the website I recieved a few pictures and will create a few more categories, i.e. "Memorials" - villages and cities across northern Europe and England often erected a memorial for aircrews that crashed in or near their communities, therefore I will post these photos in this category.

I will also add another category "Miscillaneous" for photos of interest, or unknown aircrew/men etc...

Once again thanks to everyone whom has contributed photos, if it is not posted yet let me know, plus send in anything which you may feel others may find interesting pertaining to 434 Squadron.

Cheer's, Alan


July 19th update

Well I added a number of pictures to "Individual", "Airfield Activity" and "Air Crew" about 5 or 6 in total.

Update on a page to indicate which individuals photos are presently on this site and a few problems arose. So I will be adding another spreadsheet to the downloads in the navigation bar. It will list every every airman that served in 434 and website categories along the top, from here it will indicate who and where their photo is located.

Once again thanks to all who have submitted photos, and signed the guest book. I am trying to keep caught up however with the kids school out, and weather hot we have been camping on my days off.




Update July 9th

Past 2 weeks ending July 9th...

Posted numerous individual photo's in gallery under "Individual", I also arranged the majority of all photos with any aircrew in numerical order. So any future submitted photo's of airmen/crew in any category will not appear at the end of thumbnails, they will appear in order of becoming operational with assigned crew number. 

Likewise I am in process of indexing all photos on a spreadsheet which will indicate where each individual can be located, i.e. how many times he appears, and in what categories. 

Thanks to all whom have made submissions so far, posted in guestbook or have emailed me.

Cheer's, Alan


Update for week ending June 25, 2007

Once again numerous additions in the photo gallery, adding 2 new sections. "Debriefings and Coffee" also "Ground Crew", and changed a title to "Air Crew". All of these changes required moving photos, plus the addition of newly arrived photo's, with still more to add to most categories.

The "Air Crew" will hopefully be kept to nearly complete crews posed together.

"Debriefings and Coffee" many photo's of men drinking coffee and in meetings.

"Ground Crew" photos may include a few airmen in them, but as you slide cursor over it will indicate this.

In the "Airfield Activity" there is a very interesting picture of a link trainer in use, the rear gunner has insufficient fire power unless a Luftwaffe pilot walks in.

Future thoughts... I may set up a page with crew numbers that will indicate if a crew photo is posted on this site.

In the mean time, I will get some more pictures posted this week. Alan



Updates for my week ending Tuesday 19th June

Well my weeks vary by the day, being today is Tuesday, last week I updated on Monday.

Added photos and some history to section "Victories (Claims)", one photo to "Aircraft" D-Dog - Lancaster. Four photos to "Individual", two photos to "Veterans" along with some editing of this category.

The Orange RSS icon in lower right of navigation bar is used for alerting you to updates on website when I post on this blog. If I'm keen I will remember all the updates I did over past week and post.

As always I am a look forward to hearing from anyone, and any submissions you may have.
