
Here you will find updates and items of interest, feel free to post a comment. My settings are set for "approve" (filter) before posting to keep out unwanted advertising etc... Email address's are restricted, accessable only by web site editor, same as guest book.


Update 7 Nov. 2007, Interesting photo...

Online website "Squarespace" had a major update to thier online software for web site creation, affected many sites including this one. Overall better able to present this site... had to do some reconfiguring everything is smooth now.
Completed the P/O Soderstrom section along with many more edited letters from my uncle. Mike Laffin's biography complete including many new pictures not on original site.
No new additions in other categories as there have been no photo's submitted for well over a month.
I have other interesting photos submitted but not enough to create another category yet, if you have one of interest that I may use please submit along with a description.
Here is an interesting photo from my links page, follow the link ARGA. One of the webmasters on that site Karl Lusink assisted me with research on my uncle.
The searchlight photo was taken at Wilhelmshaven, Germany. On the back is writen.....Luftangrif auf Wilhelmshaven(Attack on Wilhelmshaven).
With permission from ARGA, Thank you!
These searchlights could easily cone a bomber at an altitude of 20,000 feet, then the flak would pour in followed by a nightfighter should the bomber escape the flak barrage.

Update regarding formatting, better or worse?

Well I just noticed in the past hour new configuration made by squarespace web site host, and quite a surprise. The photo galleries have been reformatted.
The description appears beside thumbnail, once you click on thumbnail the description disappears and just the enlarged photo appears, I am attempting to figure out settings so that a large photo will appear with description underneath.
Let me know if you like the new layout by posting your thoughts on this page.

further update, compare with Mike Laffin bio in "C.V. Soderstrom" section, i.e. thumbnails compared to thumbnails with full description... 


25th Oct 2007, Night Raid on happy Valley, C.V. Soderstrom

Well I have been very busy updating the P/O C.V. Soderstrom section, numerous letters and photos with updates as mentioned last week, almost complete.
I receive numerous emails with regards to submitting photos, and attempt to answer all, so if you have not received a reply please contact me again. It only takes a few minutes to upload a photo and add basic info, if you want to submit a bio on the crew member that is also great and I can add it at any time only taking a few minutes.

A scan of 200 dpi or a good quality digital photo of picture will also work, I find photocopied pictures are grainy and deteriorate the quality, perhaps a neighbour or friend has a scanner or camera to assist in reproducing the photo.

Cheer's, Alan



19 Oct. update

Well it has been a very slow couple of weeks, no material to add due to lack of submissions. Therefore I have been moving material over from website pertaining to my Uncle Clarence and updating same. New layout for this section from bombercrew layout, more photos etc... all located in navigation under "P/O Soderstrom".Ruurlo%20Lorn.jpg

I have five photos the Ruurlo & Cemetery section with more to add.



Update for 2nd oct. 2007

Another slow couple of weeks, added a few photos and working on section of A/C Serial Numbers.
Here is a photo of Sgt. Bill Thomson from crew 129...BThompsonTurret.jpg added to "Airfield Activity".
 The website is always looking for interesting photos pertaining to 434, look over the categories and maybe you have one for submission.
Also added an individual photo of Sgt. G. Woodruff from crew 53, he went on to work for a company that manufactured textiles including parachutes.

Also added a link to ARGA, Karl Lusink one of the webmasters was able to provide info for my research into the Laffin Crew (88) crash in the Ruurlo, The Netherlands. Feel free to contact him regarding crashes in The Netherlands.
