
Here you will find updates and items of interest, feel free to post a comment. My settings are set for "approve" (filter) before posting to keep out unwanted advertising etc... Email address's are restricted, accessable only by web site editor, same as guest book.


Members of 47 Crews now online, 15 Sept. 2007

The 434 Squadron website now has approximately 47 crews in the photo galleries, however not complete 7 member crew photos. Many appear as individuals in the photo galleries as a group photo has not been submitted yet.
Here is a list of crews (complete and incomplete)
Check personnel/crew downloads for individuals in each crew.
3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 43, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 74, 78, 88, 92, 102, 109, 114, 115, 118, 120, 124, 129, 139, 140, 145, 151.
The latest crew added was 74, and a big thanks to Linda Ibrom, Kim (son) and Debi Smith for numerous photos and a bio on thier father F/Sgt. J.S.M. Smith.
Possible update later in week.

5th Sept. Update "Squadron A/C Serial #'s"

Well a slow couple of weeks, very little in submission of photo's. Gives me time to work on text documents.

Added a "Squadron A/C Serial #'s" this page includes all a/c which went through 434 squadron. Cross referencing can be done with the Personnel crew numbers spreadsheet or adobe. Eventually I will have the serial #'s converted to adobe.

A Big Thanks to John Bradley who supplied this information! I still have info to add to page header.



Update week ending 19th August 'Crew Inquiries'

New this weekend... Added a topic in forum.
"Crew Inquiries" - people can post inquiries regarding a crew, I posted 3 emails I received in the past, perhaps someone can add to these should they have any info.
There have been no submission of photos for quite awhile, I do have some in photos not posted as I do not have a category for them yet, and others not prepared for uploading yet. I will add some individual photos this week..

Updates week ending 11th August.

There were a number of photos added to "Croft Today" Thanks to Mrs. Plante's submitted photo's. I have also been fixing all text to look uniform.

Also received a very large database this week of all aircraft serial numbers and the fates of many aircraft which were assigned to 434 squadron.

There will be no updates this coming week as I will be away, however feel free to send photos with descriptions etc...

Cheer's, Alan


Slight visual changes, August 6th update

Well I figured out how to change elements; i.e. fonts, borders, colors etc... so now I cross my fingers and hopefully no major blunders except for some fine tuning to some pages.

I found the main column was too narrow and required a lot of up/down scrolling, so it is near maximum width and I hope no one has to scroll across L to R to read the pages.

Also a tip, should any one print off a page make sure you go to file at the top left corner then click "Print Preview", and adjust the print setting. Click "Shrink to Fit" otherwise you may print off 2/3 of the left side of page.

Once again, should you have any photos pertaining to 434 for any section, or feel a category could be added please submit your idea. I have recieved photos for categories not activated yet.  
