
Here you will find updates and items of interest, feel free to post a comment. My settings are set for "approve" (filter) before posting to keep out unwanted advertising etc... Email address's are restricted, accessable only by web site editor, same as guest book.

Entries by Alan Soderstrom (49)


Upgrade and update

Due to a major upgrade with squarespace web design in the past week, I had to follow suit. Thier upgrade will make my life easier when uploading and configuring.

With the last layout design it took me close to 30 hours, this so far has taken less then an hour and about 80% complete.



Uploaded close to 30 photos past week

Over the past 2 weeks I have been fine tuning new layout, as well loaded approximately 30 photos, with more to come. Now behind as the captions have not been filled in.
If you are having problems veiwing i.e. left side of text and navigation topics looking and acting wonky well I cannot figure it out at this end. My only suggestion is to download one of the following... "Internet Explorer 7", "Firefox", "Mozilla", or "Safari".  "Internet Explorer 7" is apparently the most secure browser.
Till next time, take care. Alan

Formatting and new style

As you can see I have been busy configuring new lay out, still a little bit of figuring out to do. Will also fix a few photos as some are pixelated, or too small. Alan

Added numerous photos

 Added over a dozen photos today from CFJIC, the captions will be added shortly along with names.
For now you can see these photos at the bottom of pages before I add text and put them in chronological order of crews.
WL-Y "Y-Yellow" (see nose art)

Posted more photos, etc...

Recieved about 10 photos in past couple weeks, now all posted online in various categories.
Lancaster explosion, 22 March 1945 (image 2 of 2 / see "Airfield Activity")
"Biography" section; this page will indicate which aircrew/groundcrew have multiple personal photos submitted, along with a biography.
When the web site first came online in May 2007 there were plenty of photos uploaded, it has now been a year and approximately 400 images have been posted. Thanks to all whom have contributed!
Without submission of photos and written biographies this website would not be able to give the younger audiences a glimpse back in time, more importantly to remember those who fought and made the sacrifice. As well the Veterans still amongst us will know there is a small number of the younger generation's creating web sites, writing books, researching, and locating crash sites, etc... All in an attempt to remember the couragous men and women of the Armed Forces and keeping their memory alive. 
Statistics since RCAF 434 Squadron went online at the end of April 2007
Page Views - 49,213
Page Views / Month (Avg) - 4,262
Unique Visitors - 12,426
Unique Visitors / Month (Avg) - 1,057
Robot Hits - 37,296
Robot Hits / Month (Avg) - 2,974
Till the next update, take care, Alan